Posts Tagged 'Software'

Programmers are creative people


Being creative is seeing the same things as everybody else but thinking of something different 

I was involved in an debate/argument about the creativity at workplace. The whole argument took shape on the fact that some company is micro managing it’s programmers activites which results logging how he/she spent every minute in an office. It seems this data is used to judge the productivity of the programmer.

My view point on the process of micro managing was negative.  How can an intellectual activity like software programming can be judged by stopwatch. I was offered an argument saying software development is not a creative/intellectual activity. So it is fine to measure performance based to stopwatch. Holy crap!

Being a programmer, I realise the entire software development is a creative activity. Programmer need to be creative in every step right from knowing about the problem, requirement, design, testing phase etc. How can one measure ones productivity for activity like this using a stop watch? One more argument that I hear that software jobs do not require creative people. Pray what kind of people need to be in programming activity? The main point put forward by the opposition is that now a days there are better tools, better documentation that the programmer need not be creative.  The idea that you can be dumb if you have smart tools is repulsive to me.

I am programmer and I know that my job requires me to be creative. There ends the argument.

Being ‘Creative’ in Software Development  

Creativity in Software Development 

Software creativity 2.0

Romance and Programming

Read post on Romance and Programming!

Girl code

Read post on Girl code


Tips from The Practice of Programming by Kerninghan and Pike

  • Test code at it’s boundaries
  • Test pre and post conditions
  • Use assertions
  • Program defensively
  • Check error returns
  • Test incrementally
  • Test simple parts first
  • Know what output to expect
  • Verify conservation properties
  • Compare independent implementations
  • Measure test coverage
  • Automate regression testing
  • Create a self contained tests

Debugging Tips

Read post on Debugging Tips

Wise cracks

Read Steve Magurie’s wise cracks

Design goof ups

I initially though of posting this in my other blog Humble Programmer, but then realised that it will be apt to post here for humour content.

More these beauties can be found here at the hall of shame


Thru Lens

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